T and I decided to head to Chicopee Memorial Park which was just a short drive up the road from us. We went on a Friday first thing in the morning because we did not want to deal with competition on the trails (aka social distancing). There was a main trail that was really well kept, and multiple manicured back trails that could lead you on a labyrinth-like adventure if one wasn't too careful (don't worry we had GPS and a trail map app). We stopped and ate our packed lunch at a small bridge we found along Cooley Brook (we are thinking it was a memorial to local fire fighters but there was no sign), but otherwise spent most of the trip hiking, talking, and enjoying the outdoors. We were in the area that was referred to as the Sand Pits and Old Beaver Pond Boundary. By the time we were ready to head home it had warmed up quite a bit so we had taken off many of our layers. We would definitely return.
*Art on location photo taken with my I-Phone 12 Mini. Photographs taken with Sony Alpha a6000.
